63 research outputs found

    Evidence of coevolution in multi-objective evolutionary algorithms

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    This paper demonstrates that simple yet important characteristics of coevolution can occur in evolutionary algorithms when only a few conditions are met. We find that interaction-based fitness measurements such as fitness (linear) ranking allow for a form of coevolutionary dynamics that is observed when 1) changes are made in what solutions are able to interact during the ranking process and 2) evolution takes place in a multi-objective environment. This research contributes to the study of simulated evolution in a at least two ways. First, it establishes a broader relationship between coevolution and multi-objective optimization than has been previously considered in the literature. Second, it demonstrates that the preconditions for coevolutionary behavior are weaker than previously thought. In particular, our model indicates that direct cooperation or competition between species is not required for coevolution to take place. Moreover, our experiments provide evidence that environmental perturbations can drive coevolutionary processes; a conclusion that mirrors arguments put forth in dual phase evolution theory. In the discussion, we briefly consider how our results may shed light onto this and other recent theories of evolution

    Degeneracy: a design principle for achieving robustness and evolvability

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    Robustness, the insensitivity of some of a biological system's functionalities to a set of distinct conditions, is intimately linked to fitness. Recent studies suggest that it may also play a vital role in enabling the evolution of species. Increasing robustness, so is proposed, can lead to the emergence of evolvability if evolution proceeds over a neutral network that extends far throughout the fitness landscape. Here, we show that the design principles used to achieve robustness dramatically influence whether robustness leads to evolvability. In simulation experiments, we find that purely redundant systems have remarkably low evolvability while degenerate, i.e. partially redundant, systems tend to be orders of magnitude more evolvable. Surprisingly, the magnitude of observed variation in evolvability can neither be explained by differences in the size nor the topology of the neutral networks. This suggests that degeneracy, a ubiquitous characteristic in biological systems, may be an important enabler of natural evolution. More generally, our study provides valuable new clues about the origin of innovations in complex adaptive systems.Comment: Accepted in the Journal of Theoretical Biology (Nov 2009

    The Self-Organization of Interaction Networks for Nature-Inspired Optimization

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    Over the last decade, significant progress has been made in understanding complex biological systems, however there have been few attempts at incorporating this knowledge into nature inspired optimization algorithms. In this paper, we present a first attempt at incorporating some of the basic structural properties of complex biological systems which are believed to be necessary preconditions for system qualities such as robustness. In particular, we focus on two important conditions missing in Evolutionary Algorithm populations; a self-organized definition of locality and interaction epistasis. We demonstrate that these two features, when combined, provide algorithm behaviors not observed in the canonical Evolutionary Algorithm or in Evolutionary Algorithms with structured populations such as the Cellular Genetic Algorithm. The most noticeable change in algorithm behavior is an unprecedented capacity for sustainable coexistence of genetically distinct individuals within a single population. This capacity for sustained genetic diversity is not imposed on the population but instead emerges as a natural consequence of the dynamics of the system

    Use of statistical outlier detection method in adaptive evolutionary algorithms

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    In this paper, the issue of adapting probabilities for Evolutionary Algorithm (EA) search operators is revisited. A framework is devised for distinguishing between measurements of performance and the interpretation of those measurements for purposes of adaptation. Several examples of measurements and statistical interpretations are provided. Probability value adaptation is tested using an EA with 10 search operators against 10 test problems with results indicating that both the type of measurement and its statistical interpretation play significant roles in EA performance. We also find that selecting operators based on the prevalence of outliers rather than on average performance is able to provide considerable improvements to adaptive methods and soundly outperforms the non-adaptive case

    Degenerate neutrality creates evolvable fitness landscapes

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    Understanding how systems can be designed to be evolvable is fundamental to research in optimization, evolution, and complex systems science. Many researchers have thus recognized the importance of evolvability, i.e. the ability to find new variants of higher fitness, in the fields of biological evolution and evolutionary computation. Recent studies by Ciliberti et al (Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci., 2007) and Wagner (Proc. R. Soc. B., 2008) propose a potentially important link between the robustness and the evolvability of a system. In particular, it has been suggested that robustness may actually lead to the emergence of evolvability. Here we study two design principles, redundancy and degeneracy, for achieving robustness and we show that they have a dramatically different impact on the evolvability of the system. In particular, purely redundant systems are found to have very little evolvability while systems with degeneracy, i.e. distributed robustness, can be orders of magnitude more evolvable. These results offer insights into the general principles for achieving evolvability and may prove to be an important step forward in the pursuit of evolvable representations in evolutionary computation

    Robustness and Adaptiveness Analysis of Future Fleets

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    Making decisions about the structure of a future military fleet is a challenging task. Several issues need to be considered such as the existence of multiple competing objectives and the complexity of the operating environment. A particular challenge is posed by the various types of uncertainty that the future might hold. It is uncertain what future events might be encountered; how fleet design decisions will influence and shape the future; and how present and future decision makers will act based on available information, their personal biases regarding the importance of different objectives, and their economic preferences. In order to assist strategic decision-making, an analysis of future fleet options needs to account for conditions in which these different classes of uncertainty are exposed. It is important to understand what assumptions a particular fleet is robust to, what the fleet can readily adapt to, and what conditions present clear risks to the fleet. We call this the analysis of a fleet's strategic positioning. This paper introduces how strategic positioning can be evaluated using computer simulations. Our main aim is to introduce a framework for capturing information that can be useful to a decision maker and for defining the concepts of robustness and adaptiveness in the context of future fleet design. We demonstrate our conceptual framework using simulation studies of an air transportation fleet. We capture uncertainty by employing an explorative scenario-based approach. Each scenario represents a sampling of different future conditions, different model assumptions, and different economic preferences. Proposed changes to a fleet are then analysed based on their influence on the fleet's robustness, adaptiveness, and risk to different scenarios
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